Lily Karadada Wandjina Paintings
Lily Karadada is one of the last of a generation of Wandjina painters who painted on bark. She was wife to another great bark painter Jack Karadada. She is probably the most prolific Wandjina painter on
The aim of this article is to assist readers in identifying if their aboriginal bark painting is by Lily Karadada. It compares examples of her work.
If you have a Lily Karedada bark painting to sell please contact me. If you want to know what your Lily Karadada painting is worth to me please feel free to send me a Jpeg because I would love to see it.

Lily Karadada Style
Lily Karadada paints Wandjina with round eyes but the eyes are smaller and the eyelashes are thick compared to Charlie Numbulmoore. The face of her Wandjina are white while the body below the armpits covered in dots that represent the rain.
Her paintings are often not of Wandjina but also incorporate totemic animals or stick figures. Both the outlines and dotting in Lilys work is far more precise than the vigorous, gestured marks of her sister in law Rosie Karedada.
Lily does Wandjina Painting on bark but also on traditional spathe containers. Lily continues to paint today but for the past couple of decades has painted only on Canvass.
Biography of Lily Karadada
Lily was born of
Lily’s early works come from the same era as bark painters like Charlie Numbulmoore and Alec Mingelmanganu
If anyone knows more information about the biography of Lily, please contact me as I would like to add it to this article.

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Lily Karadada Bark painting images
The following images are not a complete list of works by Lily Karedada. They do however give a good feel for the very distinctive style of this artist.