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Australian Shield

Australian Shields Australian shields made by Aboriginal Australians come in many different forms depending on the tribe that made them and their function. Aboriginal Shields come in 2 main types, Broad shields, and Parrying shields. Parrying shields parry blows from...

Aboriginal Woomera

Aboriginal Woomera An Aboriginal Wommera weapon is also commonly known a spear thrower or Miru. It is a weapon that uses leverage to achieve greater velocity and distance in spear throwing. The aim of this article is to look at the variety of Aboriginal Woomera. As...

Antique Aboriginal Boomerang

Antique Aboriginal Boomerang The aboriginal boomerang has probably been around for at least 40,000 years. It is an iconic symbol associated with Australia. What most people do not realize is that many antique aboriginal boomerang don’t come back. Only a few of the...